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icafe这个单词是许多咖啡店的名词,也是许多产品的名词。如果翻译,需要将单词拆开i cafe在然后音译第一个字母“爱”,所以icafe即爱咖啡的意思


My neighbourhood is a peaceful and friendly place. It is located in the heart of the city and is surrounded by beautiful parks and gardens. There are many shops, restaurants, and cafes in the area, making it a great place to hang out with friends and family.

The people in my neighbourhood are very welcoming and always ready to lend a helping hand. They are diverse and come from different backgrounds, but they all share a sense of community and belonging.

One of my favourite things about my neighbourhood is the local market. It is a bustling hub of activity where you can find fresh produce, handmade crafts, and delicious street food. It is a great place to meet new people and experience the local culture.

Overall, I feel very lucky to live in such a wonderful neighbourhood. It is a place where I feel safe, happy, and connected to the world around me.


ABCDEF are good friends. They are talking about where to go on the weekends. ABCDEF是六个好朋友, 他们在商量周末去哪里玩。

  A: Where shall we go this weekend? 这个周末我们去哪里呢?

  B: Let's go to the park. We can have picnic. 我们去公园吧, 可以在那里野餐。

  C: But I heard it's going to rain this weekend. 但是我听说周末的时候会下雨唉。

  B: Okay, then we'd find another place. 那好吧, 那我们就要另外找个地方了。

  D: Shall we go shopping? There is big sale in the department store these days. 我们去购物吧, 百货公司这些天有大减价。

  E: That's a good idea! 这是一个好主意啊。

  F: No, I don't want to go. My mom and I went there last weekend, there're not much to buy and it's very crowded. 不, 我不想去, 我妈妈和我上个周末去过了, 没有什么可买的, 而且人又多。

  D: Really? Oh, that's so bad. 真的么?哦, 那太糟糕了。

  A: Then, what shall we do? 那么, 我们去哪里呢?

  B: Shall we go to the cafe and chat? 要么我们去咖啡店聊天?

  F: Let's go to the cinema first. I heard there's a good movie going on. We can go to the cafe or restaurant afterwards. 我们先去电影院吧, 我听说那里正在放一部很好看的片子。 之后我们可以去咖啡馆或者餐馆。

  C: That's great! I know a very good restaurant close by. 那太好了, 我知道附近有一家很好的餐馆。

  A: Okay, I will buy tickets beforehand. I will call you to make the meeting time. 好啊,那我来买票, 然后我会打电话给你们告诉你们见面的时间。

  E: Okay. We will wait for your call. See you! 好的, 那我们就等你电话了, 再见啊!

在咖啡店 英语

cafe的意思是咖啡馆。在法语里,读作/ka'fe/。元音字母e在法语或西班牙语里(有时上面会带一个尖音符),发合口双元音/e/的音,并改变单字重音,这个音由两个音组成,第一个音是前元音/ɛ/,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,向第二个相当于/ɪ/的音滑动,不到第二个音即告发音结束.牙床由半开半合之间向半合接近,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,两个音合在一起成一个合口双元音,如:cafe 咖啡馆resume 简历outre 超出常规的saute 炒chalet 农舍ballet 芭蕾舞buffet 自助餐bouquet 花束希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。






cafe :咖啡馆,小餐馆,属于名词。


cafe 指的是咖啡厅,咖啡馆,以及泛指咖啡☕;如用于指向咖啡时,指的是有销售咖啡的场所,其实并不是直接指向咖啡这种饮料本身!

