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surround是一个英文单词,作为动词基本含义为围绕;环绕;(使)包围,围住;与…紧密相关;喜欢结交(某类人);作为名词基本含义为(物品的)边,饰边;周围;复数:surrounds ;第三人称单数:surrounds ;现在分词:surrounding ;过去分词:surrounded; 过去式:surrounded。

例句为The castle was originally surrounded by a triple wall, only one of which remains.这座城堡最初由三重墙环绕而成,现在仅存一道。

High hills surround the valley.高山环绕峡谷。




inside是语气很强的介词。它常用来强调某 人或某事所在地含有某种特殊情况,比如: Inside the castle we'll be safe from the enemy. 在上句中,说话人可能想到的是城堡上厚厚的城 墙,或城堡是一个非常坚固的地方。当然,某人 也能把一个相当普通的地方说成是一个牢不可破 的堡垒,比如: He barricaded himself inside the house and started firing at the police.

有时说话人想强调某个地方的空间非常狭窄,比如: It was hot and stuffy inside the prison cell.

inside也可用于与外面的事情(something outside) 作对比: It was quite hot outside the cave but when we were inside, we started to shiver.

除需要特别强调以外,通常都用in。例如, 用于建筑物或建筑物内的房间:in the house, in the office; 用于有围栏或围墙的地方:in the garden, in the courtyard, in the park; 用于交通工具: in the train, in the car, in the bus; 用于江河湖海:in teh sea, in the river, in teh water。 还可用于饮料,如: There's a fly in my lemonade.

尽管人们在 There may be beetles in the lawn 或in the carpet中用in,但是在One sits on the lawn或on the carpet中却要用on。

当谈到服装时,用in和用inside在句子意思 上就出现了有趣的区别。通常用in.

但是,人穿着衣裳感到不舒适或感到受到约束(如 同身处囹圄),这时用inside 就会非常生动有效地 表达此种感觉,例如:

The little girl felt like a prisoner inside her starched new dress. Mary felt like a packaged chicken inside her corsets.

当然,有时用in和inside都不合适,例如: She was kept in/inside the walls of the prison.

此句的意思是她和水泥一起被填进了墙里。这种 情况可能有,但是不会经常出现。

inside的用法 inside可用作多种词性,能作形容词,副词,名词,介词。如:

Have you looked through the inside pages of the newspaper?(你看了这份报纸里面几版了吗?)


inside是语气很强的介词。它常用来强调某 人或某事所在地含有某种特殊情况,比如:Inside the castle we'll be safe from the enemy. 在上句中,说话人可能想到的是城堡上厚厚的城墙,或城堡是一个非常坚固的地方。当然,某人也能把一个相当普通的地方说成是一个牢不可破的堡垒,比如: He barricaded himself inside the house and started firing at the police.

除需要特别强调以外,通常都用in。例如,用于建筑物或建筑物内的房间:in the house, in the office; 用于有围栏或围墙的地方:in the garden, in the courtyard, in the park; 用于交通工具: in the train, in the car, in the bus; 用于江河湖海:in teh sea, in the river, in teh water。 还可用于饮料,如: There's a fly in my lemonade.


in 常用意思:在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着...。 例如:He was born in 1992.他生于1992年。


in,out后面必须加位置。如in the classroom, out of window等等;

inside,outside则不用。如It is raining outside.






castle 英[ˈkɑ:sl] 美[ˈkæsl] n. 城堡,堡垒; 象棋中的车; vt. 把…置于城堡中; (下国际象棋时)用车护(王) ; [例句]The rooms are furnished and recreate the atmosphere of the castle's medieval heyday房间都进行了布置,重新营造出该城堡中世纪全盛时期的氛围。[其他] 复数:castles


我们在沙滩上做了一个城堡 We made a castle on the beach. 我们在沙滩上做了一个城堡 We made a castle on the beach.




inside是语气很强的介词。它常用来强调某 人或某事所在地含有某种特殊情况,比如: Inside the castle we'll be safe from the enemy. 在上句中,说话人可能想到的是城堡上厚厚的城 墙,或城堡是一个非常坚固的地方。当然,某人 也能把一个相当普通的地方说成是一个牢不可破 的堡垒,比如: He barricaded himself inside the house and started firing at the police.

有时说话人想强调某个地方的空间非常狭窄,比如: It was hot and stuffy inside the prison cell.

inside也可用于与外面的事情(something outside) 作对比: It was quite hot outside the cave but when we were inside, we started to shiver.

除需要特别强调以外,通常都用in。例如, 用于建筑物或建筑物内的房间:in the house, in the office; 用于有围栏或围墙的地方:in the garden, in the courtyard, in the park; 用于交通工具: in the train, in the car, in the bus; 用于江河湖海:in teh sea, in the river, in teh water。 还可用于饮料,如: There's a fly in my lemonade.

尽管人们在 There may be beetles in the lawn 或in the carpet中用in,但是在One sits on the lawn或on the carpet中却要用on。

当谈到服装时,用in和用inside在句子意思 上就出现了有趣的区别。通常用in.

但是,人穿着衣裳感到不舒适或感到受到约束(如 同身处囹圄),这时用inside 就会非常生动有效地 表达此种感觉,例如:

The little girl felt like a prisoner inside her starched new dress. Mary felt like a packaged chicken inside her corsets.

当然,有时用in和inside都不合适,例如: She was kept in/inside the walls of the prison.

此句的意思是她和水泥一起被填进了墙里。这种 情况可能有,但是不会经常出现。

inside的用法 inside可用作多种词性,能作形容词,副词,名词,介词。如:

Have you looked through the inside pages of the newspaper?(你看了这份报纸里面几版了吗?)


inside是语气很强的介词。它常用来强调某 人或某事所在地含有某种特殊情况,比如:Inside the castle we'll be safe from the enemy. 在上句中,说话人可能想到的是城堡上厚厚的城墙,或城堡是一个非常坚固的地方。当然,某人也能把一个相当普通的地方说成是一个牢不可破的堡垒,比如: He barricaded himself inside the house and started firing at the police.

除需要特别强调以外,通常都用in。例如,用于建筑物或建筑物内的房间:in the house, in the office; 用于有围栏或围墙的地方:in the garden, in the courtyard, in the park; 用于交通工具: in the train, in the car, in the bus; 用于江河湖海:in teh sea, in the river, in teh water。 还可用于饮料,如: There's a fly in my lemonade.


in 常用意思:在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着...。 例如:He was born in 1992.他生于1992年。


in,out后面必须加位置。如in the classroom, out of window等等;

inside,outside则不用。如It is raining outside.








