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juice 读音:英 [dʒu:s] 美 [dʒus] n.果汁;肉汁;胃液 复数: juices 例句:

1、Add a splash of lemon juice to flavor the butter. 加上一点柠檬汁给黄油调味。

2、He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window 他从冰箱里拿了点橘子汁,然后手拿杯子溜达到厨房的窗口。 juice与以下词性连用 n. bottle of juice 一瓶果汁 fruit juice 果汁 glass of juice 一杯果汁 adj. fresh-squeezed juice 鲜榨果汁


咖啡英文是【coffee】。coffee英 ['kɒfi]     美 ['kɔːfi]    n.咖啡;咖啡色用作名词 (n.)He put some sugar into his coffee.他往咖啡里加了些糖。Have some cream in your coffee.在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。We had cookies and coffee.我们吃了甜饼和咖啡。Brazil exports a lot of coffee.巴西出口大量咖啡。She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee colored silk dressing gown.她穿了一件咖啡色的绸缎睡衣出现在门口。【coffee】用法1、coffee的基本意思是“咖啡”,指一种可用于冲泡的饮料。2、coffee多用作不可数名词,但在作“一杯咖啡”或“一种咖啡”解时则是可数名词,其复数形式可指各种(牌号)的咖啡。3、可用a cup of coffee或a can of coffee(但不可用a glass of coffee)表示一杯的量。

咖啡的英语怎么说 百度网盘

咖啡英文是【coffee】。coffee英 ['kɒfi]     美 ['kɔːfi]    n.咖啡;咖啡色用作名词 (n.)He put some sugar into his coffee.他往咖啡里加了些糖。Have some cream in your coffee.在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。We had cookies and coffee.我们吃了甜饼和咖啡。Brazil exports a lot of coffee.巴西出口大量咖啡。She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee colored silk dressing gown.她穿了一件咖啡色的绸缎睡衣出现在门口。【coffee】用法1、coffee的基本意思是“咖啡”,指一种可用于冲泡的饮料。2、coffee多用作不可数名词,但在作“一杯咖啡”或“一种咖啡”解时则是可数名词,其复数形式可指各种(牌号)的咖啡。3、可用a cup of coffee或a can of coffee(但不可用a glass of coffee)表示一杯的量。


过去常常做某事:used to do sth 习惯于做某事:be used to doing sth拓展资料:used to do sth 的用法:

1、Used to encourage sb to do sth he is hesitating to do 用以在某人迟疑时鼓励他去做某事。

2、( also come along) used in the imperative to encourage sb to do sth( esp to hurry, try harder or make an effort) 用于祈使句以鼓励某人做某事,(尤指促其加速、努力或试一试)。例句:1、I used to live in London.我过去一直住在伦敦。2、Life here is much easier than it used to be.如今在此地生活比起从前可舒服多了。

3、I used to go fishing by the river我过去常常去河边钓鱼。

4、I'm used to having a cup of tea in the morning.我习惯每天早上和杯咖啡。参考资料:英语语法网
