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Grace: How about going to the coffee house to have a cup of coffee, Beth?


Beth: Good, after the whole day’s work, I am really tired, and I can relax there.


Grace: What kind of coffee do you like to order?


Beth: A cup of black coffee without sugar and milk.


Grace: Black coffee is a bit bitter, I don’t like it. I want a cup of flavored-coffee.


Beth: I don’t like sweet things. Black coffee will refresh me, and I can taste the real flavor of the coffee beans.


Grace: I am different from you. The flavored-coffee is a kind of art. The pictures made of chocolate and milk are really beautiful.


Beth: So they are. Different people like different things.


Grace: Anyway, the coffee house is a really a good place to relax. Do you often go to coffee house?


Beth: I go coffee shops a lot. I can get the free Internet there, listen to the music, it is nice.


Grace: Me too. But when working, I drink the instant coffee to refresh me.


Beth: At working, I usually drink tea. Off office, I will go to the coffee house.


Grace: You still like drinking tea?


Beth: Yeah, drinking too much coffee is not healthy to you.


Grace: That is true. Sometimes, there is just no second choice.



I used to like sheepherder coffee, a cup of grounds in my old enameled pot, then three cups of water and a fire,

过去我喜欢牧羊人咖啡, 往我那旧搪瓷壶里倒入一杯咖啡粉, 再加三杯水及一炉火,

and when it’s hot, boiling into froth, a half cup of cold water, to bring the grounds to the bottom.

当咖啡烧热,沸腾冒泡, 加半杯冷水, 让咖啡粉沉底。

It was strong and bitter and good, as I squatted on the riverbank, under the great redwoods all those years ago.

许多年前,当我蹲在河堤上那些, 魁梧的红杉下品尝它时, 味道那么浓,那么苦,那么好。

Some days, it was nearly all I got. I was happy with my dog, and cases of books in my funky truck.


But when I think of that posture now, I can’t help but think of Palestinians huddled in their ruins,

但如今,当我想起那个姿势时, 我便忍不住想到 , 蜷缩在废墟中的巴勒斯坦人,

the Afghan shepherd with his bleating goats, the widow weeping, sending off her sons, the monk who can’t go home.


There are fewer names for coffee, than for love. Squatting, they drink, thinking, waiting for whatever comes.

咖啡的名称远远少于, 爱的名称。他们蹲着,边喝, 边想,等待一切降临


咖啡英文是【coffee】。coffee英 ['kɒfi]     美 ['kɔːfi]    n.咖啡;咖啡色用作名词 (n.)He put some sugar into his coffee.他往咖啡里加了些糖。Have some cream in your coffee.在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。We had cookies and coffee.我们吃了甜饼和咖啡。Brazil exports a lot of coffee.巴西出口大量咖啡。She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee colored silk dressing gown.她穿了一件咖啡色的绸缎睡衣出现在门口。【coffee】用法1、coffee的基本意思是“咖啡”,指一种可用于冲泡的饮料。2、coffee多用作不可数名词,但在作“一杯咖啡”或“一种咖啡”解时则是可数名词,其复数形式可指各种(牌号)的咖啡。3、可用a cup of coffee或a can of coffee(但不可用a glass of coffee)表示一杯的量。


咖啡英文是【coffee】。coffee英 ['kɒfi]     美 ['kɔːfi]    n.咖啡;咖啡色用作名词 (n.)He put some sugar into his coffee.他往咖啡里加了些糖。Have some cream in your coffee.在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。We had cookies and coffee.我们吃了甜饼和咖啡。Brazil exports a lot of coffee.巴西出口大量咖啡。She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee colored silk dressing gown.她穿了一件咖啡色的绸缎睡衣出现在门口。【coffee】用法1、coffee的基本意思是“咖啡”,指一种可用于冲泡的饮料。2、coffee多用作不可数名词,但在作“一杯咖啡”或“一种咖啡”解时则是可数名词,其复数形式可指各种(牌号)的咖啡。3、可用a cup of coffee或a can of coffee(但不可用a glass of coffee)表示一杯的量。



1、BusesOnly表示”只准公共汽车通过“Localvillagerssaythat,inpractice,the buses only make one stop.当地村民表示,实际操作上,公交车每次只停靠一个站点。

2、WetPaint表示”油漆未干“Ilaythepaintingflattostopthe wet paint running我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。

3、LostandFound表示”失物招领处“Iclaimedthemylostluggageatthe Lost and Found.我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李。

4、SafetyFirst表示”安全第一“"Safety first"isour slogan.“安全第一”是我们的口号。

5、NoSmoking表示“禁止吸烟”Nosmokingisalawhere.不准吸烟是我们这的一条法律。扩展资料常见的英语广告标语:1、Goodtothelastdrop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽.(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2、Obeyyourthirst.服从你的渴望.(雪碧) 3、Thenewdigitalera.数码新时代.(索尼影碟机) 4、Impossiblemadepossibel.使不可能变为可能.(佳能打印机)


咖啡英文是【coffee】。coffee英 ['kɒfi]     美 ['kɔːfi]    n.咖啡;咖啡色用作名词 (n.)He put some sugar into his coffee.他往咖啡里加了些糖。Have some cream in your coffee.在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。We had cookies and coffee.我们吃了甜饼和咖啡。Brazil exports a lot of coffee.巴西出口大量咖啡。She appeared at the door dressed in a coffee colored silk dressing gown.她穿了一件咖啡色的绸缎睡衣出现在门口。【coffee】用法1、coffee的基本意思是“咖啡”,指一种可用于冲泡的饮料。2、coffee多用作不可数名词,但在作“一杯咖啡”或“一种咖啡”解时则是可数名词,其复数形式可指各种(牌号)的咖啡。3、可用a cup of coffee或a can of coffee(但不可用a glass of coffee)表示一杯的量。


介绍星巴克的咖啡就得先从它的历史说起~ first,先附上我找到的英文版历史介绍 A Brief History of Starbucks Starbucks has always been the place to find the world’s best coffees. hehe~
